
How Long Does Recovery Take After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Teeth Removal

When your wisdom teeth come in, they can cause various issues for your oral health. The dentists at Solomon Family Dentistry have the expertise and experience to perform oral surgery to help prevent crowding issues or infection. However, recovery time is one of the most common concerns among patients facing this procedure. How long does it take to recover after wisdom teeth removal?

This comprehensive guide will explore the typical recovery timeline, factors that can influence your healing process, and practical tips to ensure a smooth and swift recovery. Whether planning your wisdom teeth treatment or supporting someone who is, understanding the recovery process can make a significant difference.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth and Their Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to emerge, usually between 17 and 25. For many, these teeth can lead to complications such as crowding, misalignment, or infection. This is why wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure performed by dentists like those at Solomon Family Dentistry.

The Recovery Timeline

Wisdom teeth post-treatment recovery can vary from person to person, but generally, you can expect the following stages:

  1. The First 24 Hours:
    • Bleeding: Some bleeding and oozing of blood are normal. Biting on gauze pads helps control this.
    • Pain and Swelling: These are at their peak during the first day. Pain medication and ice packs can help manage discomfort and reduce swelling.
  2. Days 2-3:
    • Reduced Bleeding: Bleeding should subside, and the initial clotting will stabilize.
    • Continued Swelling: Swelling might increase and peak around day three before it starts to go down.
    • Limited Diet: Stick to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Avoid hot, spicy, or crunchy foods.
  3. Days 4-7:
    • Decreasing Swelling and Pain: Both should gradually decrease. Some bruising around the face might still be visible.
    • Oral Hygiene: Begin gentle rinsing with salt water to keep the extraction site clean, but avoid vigorous swishing.
    • Activity Level: Light activities can be resumed, but avoid strenuous exercise that could dislodge the clot.
  4. Week 2:
    • Improved Comfort: Most swelling and bruising should be gone, and you’ll likely feel more comfortable.
    • Normal Diet: Gradually reintroduce solid foods as comfort allows, but still be cautious with very hard or crunchy items.
  5. Weeks 3-4:
    • Complete Healing: Most patients will fully recover within three to four weeks. The extraction sites will continue to heal internally.

Factors Influencing Recovery

Several factors can influence the duration and ease of your wisdom teeth post-treatment recovery:

  • Age: Younger patients tend to heal faster.
  • Health Condition: Overall health and immune system strength can impact recovery speed.
  • Complexity of Extraction: Impacted or misaligned wisdom teeth may require more invasive procedures, leading to longer recovery times.
  • Post-Operative Care: Diligently following your dentist’s care instructions will significantly impact your recovery.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

  1. Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Solomon Family Dentistry will provide detailed instructions. Adhering to these will help prevent complications.
  2. Manage Pain and Swelling: Use prescribed pain medications and apply ice packs for 48 hours.
  3. Maintain Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth gently and rinse with salt water to prevent infection.
  4. Eat Soft Foods: Stick to a diet of soft foods to avoid irritating the extraction sites.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Stay hydrated, but avoid straws, as the suction can dislodge the clot.
  6. Rest: Give your body time to heal by avoiding strenuous activities for at least a few days.

Potential Complications

While most recoveries are smooth, it’s essential to be aware of potential complications:

  • Dry Socket: This occurs when the blood clot at the extraction site dislodges or dissolves, exposing the bone and nerves. Symptoms include severe pain and an unpleasant taste or odor. Contact Solomon Family Dentistry if you suspect a dry socket.
  • Infection: Signs of infection include increased pain, swelling, fever, and pus discharge. Prompt treatment with antibiotics may be necessary.
  • Nerve Injury: Although rare, nerve damage can occur, causing numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, or chin. This usually resolves over time, but inform your dentist if symptoms persist.

When to Call Your Dentist

Contact Solomon Family Dentistry if you experience any of the following:

  • Excessive bleeding that doesn’t stop with pressure
  • Severe pain not relieved by prescribed medications
  • Swelling that worsens after the third day
  • Signs of infection, such as fever or pus
  • Persistent numbness or tingling


Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that many people undergo to prevent potential oral health issues. Understanding the recovery process and knowing what to expect can help ease your concerns and prepare you for a smooth healing journey. By following the guidelines and tips, you can ensure a faster recovery and return to your normal routine in no time.

If you’re considering wisdom teeth treatment or have questions about wisdom teeth post-treatment care, don’t hesitate to contact Solomon Family Dentistry. With their expertise and personalized approach, they’ll guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your comfort and well-being. Call the nearest office in Summerville or Mount Pleasant ,South Carolina, to book a consultation or schedule your appointment online today.

By staying informed and proactive about your recovery, you can minimize discomfort and avoid complications, making your wisdom teeth removal experience as smooth as possible.

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Dr Ari Socher

Fred Solomon, DMD

Frederick Solomon, DMD, is an experienced general dentist and founder of Solomon Family Dentistry, with five locations in Summerville and one in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. He is proud to be able to offer comprehensive oral health care to so many communities in South Carolina. 

Dr. Solomon started out with a small dentist office in Summerville, just off of Beauregard, which had two treatment operatories and one operatory for dental hygiene. Over the years, Dr. Solomon has expanded the practice, building a new office and moving down the highway off of Royal Road. His intention of starting a small practice to help the community has now progressed into a larger dentist office that reaches out to patients in the Summerville, Moncks Corner, Goose Creek, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Solomon graduated from St. Andrews High School and continued on to complete his undergrad studies at the University of Maryland. From there, he came back to Charleston to complete his education for dental school at MUSC and has resided here ever since. 

When not in the dentist’s office, Dr. Solomon enjoys spending time with his wife and family and picking up a good book for the occasional read.

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